Welcome to the Willis University. This is a site dedicated mostly to the world's natural disasters. Also some random inserts of global news from credible sources and also a mixture of opinion. Some of the opinions are not suitable for all. Please remember this is my opinion only. Thanks to all for the guidance I've been given.

March 30, 2006

Immigration Protests

What I am about to say may offend some people, in that case, click the little red "X" in the upper-right hand of your browser. Who the hell does Mexico think they are? Who the fuck puts a different national flag above ours? One thing Mexico, military law: if there is another nations flag higher than our own, especially on the same pole, that means that our country is being attacked. Another thing, when our flag is upside down, that means the USA is in distress, so, by saying that, I am allowed, by military law, to defend my country and kill to defend it. Get your fucking flag off our post and get the fuck back across the border. You want a job? Speak English because there is no way in hell I will learn Spanish just to accomodate your needs. You need a job? Learn to speak the language. Schools mandating that the students learn Spanish is just bullshit. Another thing, we like that you are doing the shitty jobs here, but why don't you go back and do the shitty jobs there? Then you actually will have a great place to live. So, take your flag off the damn pole, return out flag to it's rightful pose and learn English. Mr. President, build the wall! Now, I am not racist due to the fact that I have nothing against Latino's. I have friends at my work center that are Latino's. My supervisor was a Latino, my favorite comedian is a Latino. I just take offense from fucks that like to desecrate my homeland.

March 29, 2006

Husband on Strike

Quite an interesting story I came across tonight while listening to the NY news (DirecTV subscriber). An individual named James Wilson has been camping out on his roof top of his home and calling himself "not only the CEO and director of the National Association of Desperate Husbands," but "also a card-carrying member." James and his wife have a 3 month old daughter and a 2 year old son. This man wants his wife to put the kids in their own room so he and his wife can have some privacy. And he will not come down until that happens. Valentina Wilson states the two kids will remain sleeping in the husbands and wifes bed. Now this can be looked at by both sides, and I do agree with each to a certain extent. I can see the wife's point of view of worrying about the children, as all mothers do. And I can agree with James that he needs some alone time with his wife as all couples do. But at two years old the mother has to let go at some point. Let the child sleep in their own room. And get a crib and put it in your room if you are that worried. What is to happen when you place the older kid in another room (when you see fit) the kid will not sleep in there!!! Interested???Click below to read more...

Ebay Addictions.

Are you and Ebay addict? I personally am an Ebay addict. I have bought and sold numerous items on Ebay from toys to clothes. Ebay is a great assest to the world. Although there have been and always will be many obstacles that face buyers and sellers. The story below reminds me of a friend that had a hard time breaking his ebay addicition. Please read full story below:,2933,189365,00.html Official Ebay Bible:

Total Solar Ecplispe hits Africa, Asia

Schoolchildren shouted and even scientists shed a tear as the moon's dark shadow sped across Earth's surface from Brazil to Mongolia on Wednesday, marking the first total solar eclipse in more than two years. "God is great, this shows the greatness of God," Nana Appah exclaimed as she joined the crowds on Ghana's Cape Coast beach. "This shows the greatness of nature. It is very, very beautiful. I’ve never experienced anything like this before." Cape Coast was one of the first spots on the African continent to fall under the spell of totality, which drew tourists to Libya, Egypt and Turkey as well. The last total solar eclipse was visible primarily over Antarctica in 2003. Although totality could be seen only from a narrow track of territory, the partial eclipse was visible this time around from wide stretches of Africa, Europe and Asia. No part of Wednesday's eclipse could be seen from North America, however. Wednesday’s eclipse blocked out the sun entirely in highly populated areas — including West Africa, where governments scrambled to educate people about the dangers of looking at a partial eclipse without proper eye protection. Tens of thousands of pairs of simple sunglasses or “solar goggles” were sold or even given away to allow people to view the eclipse safely. Togo’s government declared a half-day holiday and recommended that parents keep their children indoors to keep them from damaging their eyes. For more information and other links, go to :

March 28, 2006

Glenda becomes cat 5

March 27, 2006

Western Australia braces for yet another cyclone

Cyclone Glenda is currenlty a category one cyclone. Residents in the Port Hedland and Pilbara region have been instructed to take cover. Conditions are favorable for Cyclone Glenda to become a severe cyclone and should intensify it moves off the northwest coast. The cyclone season extends from November to April. Cyclone season is peaking..., 5744,18627166%255E30417,00.html Here is another link that mabye useful in surviving cyclones. This is an amazing link it has just about everythin you need. Cyclone Glenda hits category 3

Immigration protests

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed legislation that would make it a felony to be in the U.S. illegally, impose new penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants, require churches to check the legal status of people they help, and erect fences along one-third of the U.S.-Mexican border. "America is a nation of immigrants, and we're also a nation of laws," Bush said in his weekly radio address, discussing an issue that had driven a wedge into his own party. There are two different sides on this issue. And I would like to say I'm on the side that makes it illegal for immagrants to come over to the US illegaly. These people are enrolling in our public school systems, obtaining food stamps, welfare, and any other free service they can get at the expense of other hard working Americans. Now I'm not saying that the immagrants don't work hard don't get me wrong. I know they do. Yes they have helped build the physical structures of this country and it would great if they could continue to help out in the legal way. Now as to build more walls on the border would be wasting money. For example, people from the other side of the border have continually found ways around border security. If the walls are built it may slow immigration down unitl the way around, over, under etc. is found and then we as Americans have wasted money in the building of the walls and supporting more illegal immagrants. These people are humans and deserve to be treated as such, but if you break the law you deserve the punishment of the law. Please post your comments on this topic.

March 26, 2006

***Breaking news: Earthquake in Iran***

TEHRAN, March 26 (Reuters) - One person was killed in a strong earthquake that hit a rural area in Iran's southern province of Hormuzgan on Saturday, the official IRNA news agency reported on Sunday.

New Site

For all you Yankees fans stop by Yankeeography and check it out! 24/7 news coverage brought to you by the Baseball Psychic. Stay tuned...
With global warming becoming a major concern to some Time Magazine has written a story covering what we should take very seriously. From icebergs breaking apart to another busier than normal Hurricane season in the Gulf, to the wild fires in the US and Indonesia, the Cyclone w 180 m.p.h. winds that blew thru Australia. This is an issue everyone should become familiar with as it may take decades to see it play out. Please comment and let me know your opinion. Click on link below to read the full story.,9171,1176081,00.html

March 25, 2006

Bird Flu in Denmark the 12th country...

It has been confirmed that the 12th country affected by the rapidly moving bird flu is Denmark. A tufted duck found on 19 March 2006 was the carrier of the HN51 strain. Nine other fowl tested have been found positive for carrying the strain as well. To read more click on link....

March 24, 2006

Coastal cities submerged?

New reports of glaciers melting could cause the earth's oceans to rise. By the end of this century the earth could be a possible 4 degrees warmer than it is now. I know this doesn't seem like much but for cities on costal areas look out. Let me know your thoughts on this topic. I have left two links if you desire to read more.

March 23, 2006

Geomagnetic flip

Are we prepared for what is known as the geomagnetic flip? The Earths geomagnetic field reverses direction about every 70,000 years. In 70,000 years the poles of the geomagnet will flip and the northerm hemisphere will be magnetic north and the southern hemisphere magnetic south. Following another 70,000 years the poles will again flip to be as they are now. Here a few following websites so you can form your own opinion. Here is some more useful information on the subject at

March 22, 2006

Debra Lafave

I know this post may offend some people out there. But I know some people may enjoy this post but for my opinion I think Debra Lafave is HOT. She did receive no jail time as reported on Foxnews and every other news agency.,2933,176375,00.html Now I do not believe that this woman deserves to be let off and not prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by the law. What she did was very wrong and disturbing. Although it is not her fault completely the 14 year old kid I'm sure also had something to do with what transpired between the two. But why oh why could I never get a teacher in school who looked like her. Sure there were the teachers we "thought" were good looking or hot. But oh no Debra blows them all away. I'm sure he had fantasies about Mrs. Lafave didn't most of us about that certain teacher? I know I would have loved after school detention. Or a little extra homework!!
Image hosting by Photobucket
I know this may sound a little chauvinistic but the girl his beautiful. For more pics please click on link below.

Track the bird flu...

Here is an interesting Bird Flu tracker I found on the BBC News. This has from the bird flu began to how it is believed to spread throughout the world.

Bird droppings are they early warning signs?

Is the bird flu in the US sooner than expected? Should we mess with mother nature and continue cutting down trees? Here is a link below to read on how the bird flu may enter the US.

March 21, 2006

***Breaking News "Ely Bigfoot" footage***

An intriguing new video taken in Ely, Minnesota, in January 2006, by a person named Richard Sade has surfaced. The footage is of what Sade, at one point, calls the “Ely Bigfoot.” In another posting, Sade terms this the “Sasquatch Video.” I will call it simply the “Ely Sasquatch Video.” There is a regular version to view here.And a closeup here. From the site where it can be seen, this is the background on the Ely Sasquatch Video: Information regarding the footage. I was on highway 169 in Ely, Northern Minnesota. The date was January 26th, 2006. The time that it happened was around 4:30 a.m.

Al Qaeda in Europe

Image hosting by Photobucket Click on link below for a review on this book.

Recent Trend of Group Suicides in Japan

March 21, 2006, 9:04AM TOKYO — Japanese police found three bodies inside a parked van in what is believed to be the latest example of a recent trend of group suicides, police said Tuesday. Two men and a woman were found next to burned charcoal in a van parked in a mountainous area in Sumoto city, western Japan, according to local police. In another report online chat sites known as "suicide clubs" are also taking interest in Japan's youth. Click on link below to read more on this new trend.

March 20, 2006

Cyclone Larry

SYDNEY, Australia — One of the most powerful storms to hit Australia in decades laid waste to its northeastern coast on Monday, but there were no serious injuries among about a dozen people reported hurt. The mayor of the farming town where Cyclone Larry came ashore as a Category 5 storm told Australian television it looks as if "an atomic bomb hit the place.",2933,188402,00.html

March 18, 2006

H5N1 confirmed in Israel

JERUSALEM — The Israeli Health Ministry confirmed Friday that three farm workers were taken to hospitals to be tested for exposure to bird flu. Results on blood taken from the workers could come later tonight or tomorrow, an Israeli official said. The possible human infections came as tests showed the deadly H5N1 bird flu was likely responsible for killing thousands of turkeys in various farming communities in the Negev Desert.,2933,188185,00.html

March 15, 2006

...and you know what that means???....

The other day at work someone commented that I have really big boots and you know what that means???.....I have to buy really big socks!!!

March 14, 2006

Carry on w/ season 3???

The sports blog I participate in has a bunch of us co-workers bickering about when to quit and disband so I may decide to take a extended leave of absence from it until the future is more certain. The finishing of season 3 is seriously in doubt right now. Now the trash talking is great. Like Trevor said there is no contract we sign to be apart of "x" number of seasons. I'm kinda like the ones who don't know wether to retire because it's no longer fun or keep playing because sometimes it is fun.

March 12, 2006

Iran's sailboats vs. US Aircraft decide...

Iran uses small attack boats to simulate assaults on US warships. Just my opinion but I think the US will know when you bring your little sailboats out into the water!!

Secret bunker in Iran???

Iran's leaders have built a secret underground emergency command centre in Teheran as they prepare for a confrontation with the West over their illicit nuclear programme, the Sunday Telegraph has been told. The complex of rooms and offices beneath the Abbas Abad district in the north of the capital is designed to serve as a bolthole and headquarters for the country's rulers as military tensions mount. Isn't this supposed to be secret???

Saddam's War Strategy

March 12, 2006 By MICHAEL R. GORDONand BERNARD E. TRAINOR As American warplanes streaked overhead two weeks after the invasion began, Lt. Gen. Raad Majid al-Hamdani drove to Baghdad for a crucial meeting with Iraqi leaders. He pleaded for reinforcements to stiffen the capital's defenses and permission to blow up the Euphrates River bridge south of the city to block the American advance.

Saddam's Escape Route

As American troops were fanning out across Baghdad, Saddam Hussein turned to his sons. "We are leaving now," he said. For more click on link below:

March 11, 2006

Happy 311 Day!!

311 SPRING TOUR LAUNCHED!!! 3-11 DAY SOON TO COME!! 311 are back on the road with a Spring Tour of 17 shows, which includes 3-11 Day in Memphis, three shows in Hawaii, one show in Jamaica and two festival shows in Japan!! For dates/cities/venues/ticketing/etc visit the Tour Dates page and the 3-11 Day Page.

March 08, 2006

Fred Phelps -Please read and take head America

Earlier today as a co-worker and I were going to lunch at Taco Bell to get the awesome Crunch Wrap Supreme we listened to the Bill O'Reilly on Foxnews. Channel 1340 AM in Abilene, Texas. He mentioned a story on an individaul that has been going around the country protesting American Military funerals. Thank God for 9-11?? What the hell is this jack ass thinking?? In a video I obtained on a previous post this old man is wearing a Kansas Jayhawk jacket who's school colors are suprisingly red, white, and blue. How odd is that? In the video this man states that everytime a Marine is blown to bits by an IED heaven rejoices!! He is insane. In my opinoion this man has been sodomized himself. And has had urges of homosexuality but just can't admit that he himself plays butt darts and rides the hershey highway. Mr. O'Reilly is a great man in my opinion but he would not release this mans name in fear of someone may kill him. Well I would like to release his name. His name is Fred Phelps. I myself serving proudly in the USAF publicaly condone this individaul. This man is a lunatic. His basis is on nothing but twisted religion. If anyone who reads this post would like some more information on this serpent of the earth please click on the links below and spread the word about this man: On the other hand there are the Patriot Guard Riders who travel to Fallen Hero funerals to make sure the families get the respect they deserve when burying a military member. These men need a big thank you from the entire U.S. To learn more or become a member please click on link below: More to come on this subject!!!

Military funeral prostestors

DODGE CITY, Kansas (CNN) -- This past Saturday morning I found myself in a five-car caravan cutting across the Kansas plains with about 30 religious protesters. In the back of a truck, there were signs that read "Thank God for IED's" and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers." (Watch how protesters targeted the funeral of a soldier killed in Iraq -- 7:08)

Bikers and military funerals.

KOKOMO, Ind. - In a community that turns out to honor military sacrifice, hundreds of people showed up on a dreary, chilly winter morning Monday to pay their final respects to Sgt. Rickey Jones, the latest Indiana soldier to die in Iraq. Leather-, denim- and camouflage-clad motorcyclists and other veterans held up U.S. flags in mostly silent tribute to Jones outside the funeral at Crossroads Community Church, a mere stone's throw from a route designated Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway. "He is our brother. Most of us are veterans, or relatives of veterans. He is family," said Hugo Reese, of Argos, an Indiana ride captain for the Patriot Guard Riders. Reese's group has mobilized in recent months to honor fallen U.S. service members and shield their families from protesters at funerals. As many as 400 members from Indiana and surrounding states came to Jones' funeral, Reese said, along with others from the Vietnam Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Rolling Thunder and other groups.

Threats by Iran

VIENNA, Austria — The United States on Wednesday was threatened with "harm and pain" by Iran for its role in sending Islamic republic to the U.N. Security Council over its nuclear program. "We are not naive about the United States' sensation and desire to flex muscles but we also see the bone fractures beneath," Iran said in a statement delivered by Iranian Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh to the 35-member board of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is meeting in Vienna on Iran's nuclear plans.,2933,187160,00.html Go ahead Mahmoud Ahmadinejad bring out the sabres. Get on your donkeys. And have fun batteling the UN for your weapons.

March 07, 2006

The Penis requests a raise

I, The Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons: * I do physical labor. * I work at great depths. * I plunge headfirst into everything I do. * I do not get weekends or holidays off. * I work in a damp environment. * I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation. * I work in high temperatures. * My work exposes me to contagious diseases. Sincerely, The Penis Dear The Penis, After assessing your request and considering the arguments you have raised, 'The administration rejects your request for the following reasons: * You do not work eight hours straight. * You fall asleep after brief work periods. * You do not always follow the orders of the management team. * You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations. * You do not take initiative. * You need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. * You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift. * You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such as wearing the correct protective clothing. * You will retire well before you are 65. * You are unable to work double shifts. * You sometimes leave your designated work area before you have completed the assigned task. And if that were not enough, you are constantly seen entering and Exiting the workplace carrying two suspicious looking bags. Sincerely, The Management

March 06, 2006

Poland Confirms Bird Flu Outbreak

WARSAW, Poland — Poland reported its first outbreak of bird flu on Monday, saying laboratory tests confirmed two wild swans died of the disease.,2933,186914,00.html PARIS — The deadly strain of bird flu was confirmed Tuesday in a cat in northern Germany, the first time the virus has been identified in a mammal in the 25 nations of the European Union.,2933,186296,00.html

2006 Hurricane Names

As we draw ever closer to the start of the 2006 hurricane season here are a list of names that we will see for each named storm. Also included in the link below are some predictions for 2006 and some stats for past years. The following names will be used for named storms that form in the North Atlantic in 2006. The names not retired from this list will be used again in the 2012 season. The list is the same as the 2000 season's list except for Kirk, which replaced Keith. Names that have not been assigned are marked in gray. Alberto (unused) Beryl (unused) Chris (unused) Debby (unused) Ernesto (unused) Florence (unused) Gordon (unused) Helene (unused) Isaac (unused) Joyce (unused) Kirk (unused) Leslie (unused) Michael (unused) Nadine (unused) Oscar (unused) Patty (unused) Rafael (unused) Sandy (unused) Tony (unused) Valerie (unused) William (unused)

March 05, 2006

Bird Flu Death in Southern China

HONG KONG — A respiratory disease expert says a 32-year-old man in a southern China province has been confirmed to have died of the deadly strain of bird flu.