Total Solar Ecplispe hits Africa, Asia
Schoolchildren shouted and even scientists shed a tear as the moon's dark shadow sped across Earth's surface from Brazil to Mongolia on Wednesday, marking the first total solar eclipse in more than two years.
"God is great, this shows the greatness of God," Nana Appah exclaimed as she joined the crowds on Ghana's Cape Coast beach. "This shows the greatness of nature. It is very, very beautiful. I’ve never experienced anything like this before."
Cape Coast was one of the first spots on the African continent to fall under the spell of totality, which drew tourists to Libya, Egypt and Turkey as well.
The last total solar eclipse was visible primarily over Antarctica in 2003. Although totality could be seen only from a narrow track of territory, the partial eclipse was visible this time around from wide stretches of Africa, Europe and Asia. No part of Wednesday's eclipse could be seen from North America, however.
Wednesday’s eclipse blocked out the sun entirely in highly populated areas — including West Africa, where governments scrambled to educate people about the dangers of looking at a partial eclipse without proper eye protection.
Tens of thousands of pairs of simple sunglasses or “solar goggles” were sold or even given away to allow people to view the eclipse safely. Togo’s government declared a half-day holiday and recommended that parents keep their children indoors to keep them from damaging their eyes.
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