Welcome to the Willis University. This is a site dedicated mostly to the world's natural disasters. Also some random inserts of global news from credible sources and also a mixture of opinion. Some of the opinions are not suitable for all. Please remember this is my opinion only. Thanks to all for the guidance I've been given.

March 30, 2006

Immigration Protests

What I am about to say may offend some people, in that case, click the little red "X" in the upper-right hand of your browser. Who the hell does Mexico think they are? Who the fuck puts a different national flag above ours? One thing Mexico, military law: if there is another nations flag higher than our own, especially on the same pole, that means that our country is being attacked. Another thing, when our flag is upside down, that means the USA is in distress, so, by saying that, I am allowed, by military law, to defend my country and kill to defend it. Get your fucking flag off our post and get the fuck back across the border. You want a job? Speak English because there is no way in hell I will learn Spanish just to accomodate your needs. You need a job? Learn to speak the language. Schools mandating that the students learn Spanish is just bullshit. Another thing, we like that you are doing the shitty jobs here, but why don't you go back and do the shitty jobs there? Then you actually will have a great place to live. So, take your flag off the damn pole, return out flag to it's rightful pose and learn English. Mr. President, build the wall! Now, I am not racist due to the fact that I have nothing against Latino's. I have friends at my work center that are Latino's. My supervisor was a Latino, my favorite comedian is a Latino. I just take offense from fucks that like to desecrate my homeland.


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