This ones for you Jane...
I met Jane one day on the Blogexplosion Shout Box. She is a total riot. She always seems to get me in trouble.
On the way to Wal-mart on Sunday my family and I drove by a local bar (The Backroom-what a name for this band to be playing at)and you wouldn't believe what the sign said. So I turned around in the middle of the road as my wife got the camera out and took this picture just for you Jane. A band named none other than "Money Shot"
Everyone who see's this post please check out her blog it is wonderful.

hahahahahaha omgosh Willis! how YOU happened to come across this proves some things are just meant to be, yanno? LOL
I totally love you!!!!!
thank you for the credits hun. Don't know why you did it but Thank You
thanks for the creds, although i now have to protest this site due to the music playing when you visit.
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