A Western Cape farm has been placed under quarantine and all 60 of its ostriches culled in a bid to contain a South African outbreak of avian influenza, the country's department of agriculture said today.
Tests confirmed the presence of the H5N2 strain of bird flu, regarded as less dangerous than the H5N1 variety that has ravaged chicken farms across Asia and crossed over to humans in 2004.
Authorities acted quickly to contain the outbreak, which was believed confined to the farm near the south-western coastal town of Mossel Bay, the department said in a statement.
“It is hoped that, with the support of all role-players, the outbreak can be curtailed rapidly and that South Africa’s export status for ostriches and poultry will not be affected,” the department said.
“Negotiations with our trade partners have started.”
Just to give you a quick background of the music...
Two local (Phoenix) DJ's had a morning show on a hip hop station together for many years. One got taken off the air for a short period for making a comment that some viewers didn't like about the President's reaction to Hurricane Katrina. After long talks the Owners of the radio station were going to let them back on the air but they weren't allowed to talk about politics, race, religion, or anything of that sort. So instead the 2 DJ's withdrew and started the first online radio stations. So we're showing our support!
If you go to my page on the right side, under LINKS it's says... "Kid and Ruben's The Virus"
Click it.
Then click the circle animation on the bottom.
Where it says "Get Infected" click the Alternative Stream (Which is what I have)
Then click the link that says MYSPACE
Then if you scroll down there's an area where it says MY CODES
Click the ALTERNATIVE one
And copy and paste that code onto your page!
It's a process... but well worth it. Hope you enjoy the music!
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