September 30, 2005
By Richard Black Environment Correspondent, BBC News website
The likely source of the respiratory disease Sars is the horseshoe bat, a new study suggests.
Researchers found a virus closely related to the Sars coronavirus in bats from three regions of China.
Writing in the journal Science, they say the virus may have needed to infect another animal such as the civet before it could transmit to humans.
They suggest that live horseshoe bats are kept out of markets until the transmission path is fully understood.
The Sars (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak in 2002/3 caused about 770 deaths, and economic damage estimated in billions of dollars. Centred on east Asia with origins in southern China, fatalities occurred as far afield as Canada.
The virus we found is 92% similar to the human Sars virus Zhengli Shi, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Schools and businesses closed, international trade and travel were restricted; and for a time, until basic public health measures curtailed the outbreak, it seemed as though the next major global disease of humanity had emerged.
But emerged from where? In May 2003, the suggestion was that the virus responsible had entered the human population from civets, animals eaten in wildlife restaurants and butchered in live animal markets in southern China.
The World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed this link early in 2004, an announcement which led authorities in China to embark on a culling programme which saw an estimated 10,000 civets killed, as well as other animals suspected of harbouring Sars, such as badgers and raccoons.
Immunity clue
But for some time, the prevailing theory among scientists has been that civets were not the original source, or reservoir, of infection.
One clue is that they appear to have little immunity, and become seriously ill; whereas species which harbour pathogens for a long period of history usually adapt to them.
So where did the Sars virus, labelled Sars-CoV, come from?
One theory named birds; but earlier this month, researchers at Hong Kong University found cause to suspect bats. In a Hong Kong bat species they found a virus closely related to that found in Sars patients.
Now an international collaboration between scientists in China, Australia and the US has gone further, and identified a Sars-like virus in three species of bats from mainland China.
"The virus we found is 92% similar to the human Sars virus," said Zhengli Shi, from the Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.
"Why it is there in these bats, why it can infect just these species, we are not sure - it is a story we want to discuss," she told the BBC News website.
All three species of bat in which Dr Shi's group found the Sars-like coronavirus, dubbed SL-CoV, are horseshoe bats of the genus Rhinolophus , as is the species identified in the Hong Kong study.
Civets still implicated?
Genomic analysis suggests that the bat coronaviruses found by this group and by the Hong Kong team are very alike, and that both are closely related to the human and civet forms. The major differences lie in genes which relate to the binding of virus particle and host cell.
"This virus, we are sure, cannot infect humans," said Zhengli Shi.
One of the big questions is, then, how the virus jumped from bats to humans - and whether in the body of an intermediary, such as the civet, it can adapt in such a way that it can then infect a human.
"At the moment we don't know," said Peter Daszak, director of the Consortium for Conservation Medicine in New York, US, who was also involved in the study.
"But we can make a comparison with other viruses - for example, we don't know what the original host is for Ebola, but it appears to get into chimpanzees first, and then into humans.
"Nipah virus, which emerged in Malaysia in 1998 and 99, we believe has fruit bats as the reservoir, but it had to go into pigs before it could infect humans."
So civets could be an "amplifier host" for Sars. If they are, one suggestion, according to Peter Daszak, is to keep them away from horseshoe bats.
"In the east Asian region, we need to face up to high-risk behaviours," he said, "and in this situation, bringing these species into live markets, butchering and eating them and using them in medicines, is a high-risk behaviour."
Solving the jigsaw
WHO spokesperson Dick Thompson told the BBC News website: "We see this as another piece of the Sars jigsaw.
"There's an unfinished agenda for Sars, and clearly we need to understand the disease ecology better."
The Chinese team plans to examine the possible transmission path of the virus more closely.
"We will change some amino-acid sequences in the virus we have identified," said Zhengli Shi, "and see if can infect humans."
Confirming horseshoe bats as the source of Sars would carry implications for future public health research and policy.
"These bats have a wide distribution in Europe and Asia," said Peter Daszak, "and what we don't know, and need to know urgently, is the distribution of the Sars-like virus in these bats.
"On a wider scale, we need surveillance of wildlife to look for possible new diseases, and to identify changes in the environment, human behaviour and demography which drive the emergence of these diseases; because almost every new disease which has emerged recently has been driven by changes in land use.
"The last thing we should do is to take it out on the bats, because the evidence suggests that they have carried this coronavirus for thousands, perhaps millions, of years; only recently has it emerged in a big way, and it was human behaviours that made the difference."
Story from BBC NEWS: 2005/09/29 18:02:28 GMT
For more information check out following link:
September 29, 2005
Wild Fires Ravage SoCal

September 28, 2005
3 of the worst hurricane donation organization programs.

AFP Photo of Katrina Debit Card #: Priceless

Giant Squid seen for first time ever.

September 27, 2005
Bird-Flu - the next great killer epidemic?

Bird Flu
Here is a new epidemic that is causing a bigger scare than SARS in Russia, Indonesia and could spread to Europe. For more information click on link below sponsored by MSNBC
September 26, 2005
No. 2 Al Qaeda's shot by US Forces
For more information click on link below.,2933,170467,00.html
Possibility of upcoming hurricanes??
Click on link below to get a map in motion of the Atlantic Ocean weather for a possible upcoming hurricane.
September 24, 2005
Gas price hike?
Maybe for the short term for more interesting information click on link below courtesy of
MSNBC 24 Sep 2005.
September 23, 2005
Rita fulfills all fears as levees breach

Man shot for money
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — A man who sought safety from Hurricane Katrina (search) in Tennessee was gunned down in the street and died, possibly during a robbery of his Red Cross relief money.
Don Maurice Airline, 24, of Metairie, La., was found on a secluded road with five gunshots to his head. Days before he was killed last week, the Red Cross (search) gave him a debit card worth several hundred dollars.
Detective R. Kenneth,2933,170258,00.html
Got Wood??...Katrina did

Ophelia's Water Broke
Description This is a 12 ounce jar of Hurricane Ophelia ocean water obtained by me in Nags Head North Carolina on Thursday September 15, 2005. The mason jar includes sand and ocean water obtained during the hurricane.
Jar of Hurricane Ophelia ocean water
Item number: 5617607401
Starting bid:
US $1.00
Time left:
1 day 4 hours5-day listing, Ends Sep-24-05 14:15:39 PDT
Start time:
Sep-19-05 14:15:39 PDT
0 bids <--click here to place a bid.
Shipping costs:
US $7.70 - Standard Flat Rate Shipping Service (within United States )

The levee's are down for the count again!!!!!!!

Rita turns to the East
Experts predict Saturday rendvous for Rita.
Hurricane Rita remains a Category 4 hurricane and keeps mending the damage that entraining drier mid-level air does to its western side.
All preparations and evacuations should be wrapped up by this point. The fringe effects of gusty winds, rain, waves and localized coastal flooding are already being felt across the southern sections of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
Please see complete story at

September 22, 2005
Quick Facts on Galveston Hurricane of 1900

he stormThe Category 4 hurricane ripped into the island city known as the "Jewel of Texas," killing thousands of people and wiping away nearly three-quarters of Galveston, Texas. The 18-hour storm had estimated winds of 135 mph causing 15-foot-high waves that swept over the sea-level streets, destroying lives, homes and roads and cutting off the electricity and communication systems.
Storm Donations Found at Official's Home Thu Sep 22, 7:25 AM ET
This story came from another blogger
Police found cases of food, clothing and tools intended for hurricane victims at the home of the chief administrative officer for a New Orleans suburb, authorities said Wednesday.Officers searched Cedric Floyd's home because of complaints that city workers were helping themselves to donations for hurricane victims. Floyd, who runs the day-to-day operations in the suburb of Kenner, was in charge of distributing the goods.Police plan to seek a charge of committing an illegal act as a public official against Floyd, and more charges against other city workers are possible, police Capt. Steve Caraway said.The donations filled a large pickup truck four times. "It was an awful lot of stuff," Caraway said.The donated materials must be processed as evidence but eventually will be distributed to victims. "We have lots of families that are begging for these supplies," said Attorney General Charles Foti, whose office assisted in the investigation.Attempts to reach Floyd were unsuccessful at home numbers listed under his name in Kenner. His office number went unanswered after business hours.Philip Ramon, chief of staff to Kenner Mayor Philip Capitano, has said city officials were investigating the alleged pilfering but added that many employees were themselves hurricane victims.
7:50 AM
Things I have learned over the last 8 days.
1. The hurricane only hit black families' property.
2. New Orleans was devastated and no other city was affected by the hurricane.
3. Mississippi is reported to have a tree blown down.
4. New Orleans has no white people.
5. The hurricane blew a limb off a tree in the yard of an Alabama resident.
6. When you are hungry after a hurricane, steal a big screen TV.
7. The hurricane did 23 billion dollars in improvements to New Orleans.
8. Now the city is welfare, looters and gang free and
they are in your city.
9. White folks don't make good news stories.
10. Don't give thanks to the thousands that came to help rescue you, instead bitch because the government hasn't given you a debit card yet.
11. Only black family members got separated in the hurricane rescue efforts.
12. Ignore warnings to evacuate and the white folks will come get you and give you money for being stupid.
I received this email on 22 sep 2005. Who cares about New Orleans what about Alabama and Mississippi? I guess there wasn't much damage done in these two states.
US Heroes that deserve more...
The following excerpt is from 22 Sep 2005
'Company of Heroes' Feedback
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Company of Heroes
They were sent into a hellish city to hunt down terrorists house-to-house. The fight for Fallujah made them heroes, and FOX News Channel told their story. From graphic battle footage to interviews with the families they left behind, "Company of Heroes" revealed a Marine company in the thick of the war on terror.
Below are some of the e-mails we received in reaction to this special.
FOX Fans sound off:
"This is the finest wartime report I have ever seen. Congratulations to all concerned. You have done a magnificent service to our country, to the Corps and to all those who fought, suffered and died in Fallujah. It broke my heart." — Kenneth (Lieutenant-Commander, U. S. Navy, Retired)
"Absolutely amazing! I really want my son to see it. He is going to Baghdad in September." — Lynn
"This special will go down in history as one of the most important documentaries of the Iraqi Conflict. It brought the streets of Fallujah right into my living room. I would like to request that you air it several times. I think that it should be shown in every high school in America. In 'Company of Heroes,' the Marines of India Company and all service members overseas will forever have my respect and admiration for their hard work and sacrifice. My heart goes out to every family member that has loved ones in Iraq and Afghanistan." — Dr. An (LACER, MC, USN, Retired)
"John Scott, bless you and the entire production team for 'Company of Heroes.' My son is a Marine Lt. serving his second deployment to Iraq. The stories told by Greg Palkot have been missing from our media outlets for too long. I certainly don't expect other channels to produce something of this quality. Please keep up the good work." — Charles (Memphis, TN)
"It was truly a great documentary. This country needs more shows like that." — Chris (Salt Lake City, UT)
"The special on the taking of Fallujah was amazing. Many thanks for one of the best specials I've seen in years!" — Carl (Las Vegas, NV)
"I am a proud Marine Mom and my son is with the 1/8 (1st BN/8th Marines) and was also one of the grunts who went through Fallujah. He was lucky and came home intact and with a Purple Heart. As I watched this program (and it was hard to at times) my thoughts were many but one was that this is exactly what Michael did. It is still hard for me to believe that my 19 year-old South Georgia redneck son is a battle-hardened warrior. All of our troops have done a fantastic job and I appreciate the fine reporting that FOX has done to make sure the country knows it." — Pat (Adrian, GA)
"I just want to thank FNC and Greg Palkot for the production and showing of the 2 hour documentary of the Marines in action against the terrorists in Fallujah. As a former Marine, it was a very moving firsthand depiction of Marines in battle. Your coverage was superb and showed the side of war from those 'on the ground' that have the most to lose, and their families at home who support them. They are the ones who need to be heard by the majority of folks back here in the U.S., who are not really 'touched' by this war. All Americans should be proud of their Marines and other servicemen and women who are serving in arduous conditions to keep the 'wolves from our backdoor!' Well done brave Zulu!" — Lt. Col. Paul (USMC, Retired)
"Thank you so much for putting together such an exceptional documentary. I know many of the Marines of India Co, 3rd Bn, 5th Marines personally, and I have spent lots of time with the family of one of the Marines who was killed on November 11th. The show did those Marines justice in showing their sacrifice, their cohesion, and their dedication to each other. We are lucky to have such Americans, and we are fortunate to have a news agency willing to cover the human side of combat in such a respectful and accurate way." — Wilson (Captain, USMC)
"Oh dear, this is heart wrenching! Thank you for showing this! The Johnny Cash music you played with each family's heartache just made us all cry more! We are in awe of these great men and women who protect our country. They are truly GOD's angels sent to all of us. The dignity and strength these families have is amazing. God Bless them and their families! We can never repay them here on earth but we will try, GOD will do that for all of us for sure." — The Casas Family (Corpus Christi, TX)
"I just finished watching 'Company of Heroes' and I am so impressed with it. It was wonderful. I cried with the young mother and all the other mothers who lost Marines in India Company. I am writing to a soldier in Iraq whom I do not know and he, within the last four days, notified me that a roadside bomb killed two of his buddies. I know he is in a world of hurt and I certainly feel helpless. Thank God for FNC. I love your channel. Congrats to Greg Palkot and Jon Scott. Thank you!" — Jeanne
"Thank you for the most moving special I have ever watched regarding war. I cried watching the interviews done with the families and soldiers. FNC served the viewers and soldiers with the story. Excellent journalism." — Julie
"It was an absolutely EXCELLENT documentary. It filled us with a range of emotions as we cried and celebrated with our Marines in Fallujah and their families back home. Greg Palkot has always been one of our favorite FNC correspondents, and the time that he spent embedded with India Company proved invaluable for the insights into their operations while fighting to keep freedom alive. Many thanks to Greg and the producers for another excellent documentary." — Casey & Duane
"I want to thank you for your special 'Company of Heroes.' I watch your programs all the time, but I believe this is the best special you have ever done. My son is currently deployed to Iraq. This sort of helps me know what he might be going through. All I have to say is God Bless Our Soldiers, and keep them safe. And again my many thanks." — Patti, proud mom of SPC Shropshire (Dandridge TN)
"Awesome special. Thank you! It is great to hear from the troops and actually hear some of the real story! My heart breaks for the families, but also honors the troops for their service and sacrifice!" — S.
"Thank you for honoring our Marines and soldiers in this evening's special on taking Fallujah. This 62-year-old man could not help but weep as you showed the bravery of our young men and the pain and suffering of the wounded and killed and their families. We just cannot allow these sacrifices to be in vain by not finishing the job in Iraq!" — Leroy (Columbia, MO)
"Thank you, and a special thanks to Greg Palkot. I am a two tour Vietnam Vet and this story was presented with truth, compassion, and integrity. I was moved to tears. We are at war, and we need to realize that it is not going to end in our generation. These brave Marines did not give their lives in vein. They pledged their lives, their fortunes and sacred honor, and some of them have paid the ultimate price. Thank you for FOX NEWS, and your fair and balanced view." — Gary
"Thank you so much for your special. I can't tell you how much it meant to me. I have a nephew that has been serving in the Army since the first Gulf War. He has been in Iraq several times. He is a Arabic linguist so he's needed there. After watching your special I feel I know a little bit better the life he lives when he is over there. My family is so proud of the job these young men and woman are doing. I wish there were more specials like this one more that honors those fighting for our freedom and their families. Thank you for making me feel good about what's going on over there." — Cindy (Lakeland, FL)
"WOW! Excellent report! How very powerful and dynamic, yet very touching at the same time. Thank you for showing this moving tribute to the men and women who are making history standing, and sometimes falling, for freedom." — C. (Smyrna, TN)
"It was superb! Not another network has the backbone to show what you did and air the comments some of the Marines said. As a former Marine (1953-1961), I was spellbound throughout the special and I hurt when my fellow Marines were injured or killed. Well done!" — Bill (Ashland, KY)
"What an absolutely, positively, inspiring story. My husband and I were so incredibly moved at the selflessness and bravery of the young men of India Company and the families some of them left behind. Please continue your superior level of journalism. And thank you Greg for risking your life in order to report the news and document these important stories. Yours is award-winning journalism! We look forward to more of your special reports in the future." — Kristi (Phoenix, AZ)
"Thank you for giving our family this wonderful show. We are so tired of hearing the lousy, slanted, often untrue reporting done by the other news organizations. FNC is ALL WE CARE TO WATCH. Please be encouraged to continue your fine work." — J.
"Thank you for the excellent program on the war from the Marines' and their families' perspectives. Showing also, the reality of what is being done and why. Like many have said, no one wants war, but that isn't the way it is. Too bad the mainstream channels won't report the truth and inform a majority of the public as you did tonight." — Angie (Michigan)
If you would like to voice YOUR opinion on the special as well, FNC wants to know what YOU think! Just e-mail us at
September 21, 2005
Rita now Cat 5 w/ 165 mph

It's almost that time once again America. Go ahead and open your wallet once more and get ready to donate to the devestation that will be left behind by Rita. She has gone from tropical storm to a category 4 hurricane (which is what Katrina was at when it hit New Orleans) and this girl has not even made landfall. It is still a day and a half away. And we sit in awe of this beauty that is a ravid and merciless beast. As people are evacuating eastern Texas the storm keeps growing. This situation looks to be a little more organized than the one in New Orleans.
where's the new guy????
Now I work in an office of 6 that is designed for 7. Now one of the workers left about 2 weeks ago. In his place we were promised another worker. But where's the new guy? Every day we hear the same story he is on the way. No one at his old place of employment knows anything about him. Mind you he is coming from a couple hundred miles away to Abilene and his hometown is only 40 something miles away. But where's the new guy? We have work lined up for him and great potential for this individual. This is a nice office with A/C in the summer (where it goes over 100 degrees) and a heater in the winter where we seldom get snow. He has a spacious cubicle with a new computer and a new phone with a window to his back he can turn and see all the elements that people who work outside have to deal with. Admist all the turmoil and confusion we still sit and wait, each time the phone rings it could be him, and each time the door opens it could be him. But we still we are waiting and asking ourselves, where's the new guy????
Check out the following website for the newest alcoholic beverage. Get blown away by Katrina again and again. If you missed it the first time now you can expierence it again and again.
This is a story from on 21 Sep 2005
Hurricane Rita Grows to Category 4 Storm
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
KEY WEST, Fla. — Hurricane Rita (search) on Wednesday grew into a potentially killer Category 4 storm, as forecasters said its winds have reached 135 mph as its churns toward landfall later this week on the Gulf Coast.
Residents of New Orleans and Galveston, Texas, were being urged to evacuate one day after Rita skirted past the Florida Keys (search) as a Category 2 storm, causing minimal damage.
• Click here to track Hurricane Rita.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff (search) urged residents to heed calls for evacuation Wednesday.
"We've been in very close contact with the governor, with the state emergency managers, talking about their evacuation plans. They've got buses and other vehicles available for people who can't drive themselves out," Chertoff told FOX News.
"They're moving very early on the issue of evacuation and I'm hopeful people will take it very seriously this time," he said.
"I'm operating on the assumption that a Category 4 will hit Texas," Chertoff said.
Acting Federal Emergency Management Agency Director R. David Paulison said the agency has aircraft and buses available to evacuate residents of areas the hurricane might hit. Rescue teams and truckloads of ice, water and prepared meals were being sent to Texas.
In Galveston, Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas said the Department of Public Safety and National Guard were available to help following a storm.
"We are very sensitive to the storms here,” she told FOX News.
In addition, “Our communication with the state emergency management people is excellent,” Thomas said.
Mary Jo Naschke, public information officer, told FOX News that people wishing to leave Galveston could make bus reservations by calling 409-797-3710. Individuals with special needs will be boarded first, followed by those with reservations.
“We’re looking for early Saturday morning” for landfall, Naschke said.
People were being encouraged to leave with their pets, which Thomas said should be transported in carriers displaying the animal's name and be wearing collars that also identify the pet.
In Louisiana, fewer than 1,000 people remained in the city, said Task Force New Orleans' commander, Brig. Gen. Myles Deerfield.
“We’re here to preserve lives. … We’re treating it very seriously,” he said, adding that another 3 inches of rain could overwhelm the city's weakened levee system.
Federal officials also warned Gulf Coast residents to brace for a blockbuster storm.
"Up and down the coastline, people are now preparing for what is anticipated to be another significant storm," President Bush said.
Acting FEMA Director R. David Paulison (search) told reporters that the agency has aircraft and buses available to evacuate residents of areas the hurricane might hit. Rescue teams and truckloads of ice, water and prepared meals were being sent to Texas and Florida.
"I strongly urge Gulf coast residents to pay attention" to the storm, he said.
Stung by criticism of the government's slow initial response to Hurricane Katrina, President Bush signed an emergency declaration for Florida and spoke with Texas Gov. Rick Perry about planning for the storm's landfall.
Rita created relatively few problems along the Keys, where thousands of relieved residents who evacuated are expected to begin returning in earnest on Wednesday.
During daytime hours, several stretches of the Keys highway, U.S. 1, were barricaded because of water and debris; by nightfall, only one small problem area remained and the entire highway was passable, the Florida Highway Patrol said.
There were reports of localized flooding, and some sections of the Lower Keys were still without power early Wednesday. But the storm's raging eye did not hit land.
"It was fairly nothing," said Gary Wood, who owns a bar in Marathon, about 45 miles northeast of Key West. "It came through and had a good stiff wind, but that was about it."
In Key Colony Beach, an oceanfront island off Marathon, Mayor Clyde Burnett said a restaurant and hotel were damaged by water and wind, but that widespread problems simply didn't arrive as expected.
Visitors ordered out of the Keys will be invited back Friday, and virtually all other voluntary evacuation orders in South Florida were lifted after Rita roared past.
Now, all eyes following Rita are turning toward the Gulf — where the hurricane is causing new anxiety among Katrina victims in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.
At 5 a.m. EDT, Rita's eye was about 175 miles west of Key West. The storm was moving west at 14 mph — a track that kept the most destructive winds at sea and away from Key West. Maximum sustained winds increased to near 120 mph.
"There's still plenty of warm water that it needs to move over in the next couple days. The forecast is favorable for further intensification," said Michelle Mainelli, a meteorologist at the National Hurricane Center.
Those were words that Gulf Coast residents certainly did not want to hear. Even those who had survived major hurricanes were getting ready to leave, not wanting to challenge Rita's potential wrath or cling to hope that they'd be spared in the same manner the Keys were.
"Destination unknown," said Catherine Womack, 71, who was boarding up the windows on her one-story brick house in Galveston. "I've never left before. I think because of Katrina, there is a lot of anxiety and concern. It's better to be safe than sorry."
About 80 buses were set to leave the city Wednesday bound for shelters 100 miles north in Huntsville. The buses were part of a mandatory evacuation ordered by officials in Galveston County, which has a population of nearly 267,000.
"We've always asked people to leave earlier, but because of Katrina, they are now listening to us and they're leaving as we say," Galveston Mayor Thomas said.
Rita is the 17th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, making this the fourth-busiest season since record-keeping started in 1851. The record is 21 tropical storms in 1933. Six hurricanes have hit Florida in the last 13 months.
The hurricane season ends Nov. 30.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
September 20, 2005
Here come's Rita

more is enough about andrew's wife katrina

September 19, 2005
Enough about Katrina
This is just my opinion about Katrina. You may agree and you may not.
Everyday we hear about the vicitms of Katrina. Enough is enough. These people had a weeks warning and did not bother to get out. Why not? Well some say they have been thru this before. Blah Blah Blah. Well evidentally they didn't expect this. And now they want others to feel sorry for them. Don't get me wrong I feel bad they have to start over and that some have lost everything they have. But to see this on the news day after day is really getting old. Some people want to now go back admist all the filth and disease that lies in the Big Easy. Go ahead but another Rita is on the way. And if it doesn't not take the path it is supposed to we could hear more about others that do not leave. What more could Bush do? Like I said I do not feel sorry for the people just their belongings. I have not given a penny to these people. They were told to get out and didn't. The individuals in nursing homes, hospitals and etc should have been moved but no noone wanted to leave. Well you reap what you sow.
And now with Rita on the way the people in Flordia are told to get out we'll see if they are smarter than the people in New Orleans....

Hurricane Tracker
Click on link to trace the path of the most notorious hurricanes in history!! Very interesting site, everyone who has seen this loves it.