This is a current auction on Ebay.com
Current bid:
US $10.50
Time left: 1 day 6 hours7-day listing, Ends Sep-24-05 16:46:05 PDT
Start time:
Sep-17-05 16:46:05 PDT
5 bids (US $0.01 starting bid)
Item location:
LouisianaUnited States
Ships to:
United States
Shipping costs:
US $3.85 - Standard Flat Rate Shipping Service (within United States )
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Slice of tree destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Embossed with the word "LIFE".
apx 7" x 3.5"
This wood comes from a pear tree that was downed by hurricane Katrina. It had been in our front yard in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for many years. I have written on the bottom what it is(Hurricane Katrina - Sept 2005 Pear Tree Destroyed by storm Baton Rouge, Louisiana). It has been sanded and sealed with matt sealer.
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Winning bids must be paid for and/or communication concerning payment recieved within 7 days of closing. An Unpaid Item claim will be filed on the 7th day for unpaid item or items with no communication.
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