Nascar Car Day 19 May 2006
Why are we at work today??? This ought to be an official holiday!!
NASCAR fans, start your celebrations!
Today is NASCAR Day, the sport's largest annual charity event, and fans across the country are celebrating NASCAR and donating to a great cause at the same time.
For only a five dollar donation, fans receive a commemorative NASCAR Day pin, and are encouraged to wear it to work today with pride. Will Ferrell, the 2006 official spokesman for NASCAR Day, will be celebrating as well. "Happy NASCAR Day!" said an enthusiastic Ferrell. "I'll be wearing my NASCAR Day pin today with pride."
This year, more than 3,000 corporate locations are participating in NASCAR Day, and over 100,000 pins have been sold online. In addition, 27 Governor's Offices have declared May 19 as NASCAR Day in their home states.
Please go to for more info
To order your official Nascar Car Day 2006 Pin click on link below

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