Here are the top three president as voted by you, America, believe it, what you are about to see may shock you. Yes, it's true, nothing is good as it seems, literally. Also, two of the three top three can also be found on the other end of the spectrum, in the bottom five all-time.
1 - 90% - George W. Bush, following the 9/11 attacks
2 - 89% - George W. H. Bush, during the first Gulf War
3 - 87 % - Harry Truman, following FDR's death
Bottom 5
1 - 23% - Harry Truman (holds record for largest change in approval)
2 - 24% - Richard Nixon
3 - 28% - Jimmy Carter (ironically won a Nobel Peace Prize)
4 - 29% - George W. H. Bush
5 - It's unconfirmed, but rumor has it that John F. Kennedy was around 30%
Our current president is close to breaking into the top 5 as his rating is at 32%
That'll keep slipping I'm sure.
Maybe if he had a blog and posted some kick-ass rock videos people wouldn't think he sucked so bad.
I wouldn't vote Bush as number 1! Both bushes sucked!
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