February 27, 2006
Did the Apollo mission really put men on the Moon? Or was it all an elaborate hoax filmed in a Hollywood basement? Leave it to conspiracy theorists to question everything. Space.com recently published an article with the Top 10 Questions posed by those who believe the Moon landing was faked: 10) Why was the flag fluttering in no atmosphere? 9) Wouldn't radiation have killed the astronauts? 8) Did the shadows on the ground show there were multiple light sources? 7) At 280 degrees F, the Moon's surface temperature in the Sun, wouldn't the film in the cameras have melted? 6) Would footprints on the Moon require moisture? 5) Considering the amount of tiny space debris (micro-meteors traveling at 120,000 mph) wouldn't these punch through the ship and kill the astronauts? 4) Why was there no crater beneath the lander from its powerful engine? 3) Who filmed the lander leaving the Moon if all the astronauts were on board? 2) How did the Moon buggy fit into that tiny lander anyway? ... and the number one objection raised by conspiracy theorists ... 1) Why were there no stars in the photographs? Full Story
Here are a few other websites that will make you think about both sides of the story no matter your view.
New EU warning as bird flu spreads
27 February 2006
The European Union is stepping up bird flu warnings - particularly to children - as the disease continues its spread across Europe.
With a new suspected outbreak among wild birds in France, and tests awaited on a feared case of the deadly H5NI strain in Switzerland, the Austrian government, currently in the EU presidency, is co-ordinating a new information campaign.
For more on the bird flu in Niger.
Pakistan confirms bird flu
Hong Kong confirms bird flu in 3 more birds
Joanna Walters
When Jeanette Yarborough decided to give her husband a gift for their seventeenth wedding anniversary she wanted it to be special. Really special. She decided that conventional treats such as Mediterranean cruises, gold watches, cars, a murder-mystery weekend, or even a boob job just weren’t going to cut it. She gave him something much more personal — and painful. Her virginity.
Well, sort of. Mrs Yarborough paid $5,000 (£2,860) to a cosmetic surgeon to stitch her hymen back together so she could “lose her virginity” all over again and her husband would have that thrilling conquest at the grand age of 40.
February 25, 2006
Ricin Found in University of Texas Dorm

February 23, 2006
What "Saddam tapes" revealed...
This post is connected to two different links but is a great story I found on Coasttocoastam.com
Please take time to read this.
William Tierney, the former United Nations weapons inspector who unveiled the so-called "Saddam Tapes" at a conference in Arlington, Virginia, Saturday, told National Review Online that God directed him to weapons sites in Iraq and that his belief in the importance of one particular site was strengthened when a friend told him that she had a vision of the site in a dream.
EDITOR'S NOTE: William Tierney responded to this article on Monday. His letter and Byron York's response are here.
Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Hits Mozambique
MAPUTO, Mozambique (AP) - A powerful earthquake struck Mozambique early Thursday morning, shaking buildings and forcing people from hundreds of miles around to dash into the streets for safety.
The magnitude-7.5 quake struck at 12:19 a.m. and was felt as far away as Durban, South Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
February 21, 2006
Scooter Libby launches his own site.
Lewis "Scooter" Libby served from January 2001 to November 2005 as Assistant to the President of the United States and Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States. He also served during this period as the Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs. In this capacity, he was the primary advisor to Vice President Cheney on national security and homeland security matters.
Click link below for Scooter's bio.
Plans of Attack on U.S. Military in Iraq
CLEVELAND — Three naturalized U.S. citizens were indicted in Ohio Tuesday for their role in assisting terrorism on U.S. targets overseas, specifically American military personnel in Iraq.
The indictment, which was unsealed Monday, said the men plotted to kill U.S. and coalition military personnel in Iraq and other countries. On at least two separate occasions, among other charges, at least one of the men verbally threatened to kill or inflict bodily harm on President Bush, the indictment says.
Bird flu confirmed in Hungary
Test results Tuesday confirmed that three dead swans found in Hungary were infected with deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu, while Malaysia began killing birds after reporting its first case of the disease in more than a year.The three dead swans, found earlier this month near the village of Nagybaracska, about 100 miles south of Budapest, were Hungary's first confirmed cases of H5N1, government spokesman Andras Batiz said.
February 16, 2006
Saddam talked of WMD attack in U.S.
WASHINGTON - Among the treasure trove of information captured after Saddam Hussein's fall were tape recordings of the Iraqi leader discussing weapons of mass destruction with top aides.
"We shouldn’t be surprised to see a car bomb with nuclear [material] explode [in] Washington, either germ or chemical," Saddam tells aides. "So this is coming,” Saddam says on the tapes, “but not from Iraq," he adds, seeming to indicate that Iraq would not be the source of any such attack.
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is studying 12 hours of audio recordings between Saddam Hussein and his top advisers that may provide clues to the whereabouts of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
The committee has already confirmed through the intelligence community that the recordings of Saddam's voice are authentic, according to its chairman, Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, who would not go into detail about the nature of the conversations or their context. They were provided to his committee by a former federal prosecutor, John Loftus, who says he received them from a former American military intelligence analyst.
Mr. Loftus will make the recordings available to the public on February 17 at the annual meeting of the Intelligence Summit, of which he is president. On the organization's Web site, Mr. Loftus is quoted as promising that the recordings "will be able to provide a few definitive answers to some very important - and controversial - weapons of mass destruction questions." Contacted yesterday by The New York Sun, Mr. Loftus would only say that he delivered a CD of the recordings to a representative of the committee, and the following week the committee announced that it was reopening the investigation into weapons of mass destruction.
February 15, 2006
New Evidence of WMD's in Syria
Posted: February 15, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
A former general and friend of Saddam Hussein who defected but maintains close contact with Iraq claims the regime supported al-Qaida with intelligence, finances and munitions and believes weapons of mass destruction are hidden in Syria.
Ali Ibrahim al-Tikriti, southern regional commander for Saddam Hussein's Fedayeen militia in the late 1980s, spoke with Ryan Mauro of WorldThreats.com.
February 14, 2006
Deadly bird flu spreads to three more countries...
Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:33 PM ET
By Karin Strohecker
BERLIN (Reuters) - Three more countries said on Tuesday they had detected cases of deadly bird flu in wild swans, with Germany, Iran and Austria the latest to find the virus that has killed 91 people worldwide.
Austria and Germany became the third and fourth European Union countries to report H5N1 bird flu, just three days after the bloc's first instances were confirmed by Italy and Greece.
For more information on this breaking story please click on link below:
February 12, 2006
Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter in Texas
WASHINGTON — Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, his spokeswoman said Sunday.
for more on this "Accident" please click on link below:
February 11, 2006
Deadly Bird Flu Virus Strikes Italy for First Time
ROME — Italy's health minister said Saturday that the deadly H5N1 bird flu strain had been detected in swans in the country — the first time the virus has been detected in Italy.
February 10, 2006
Torino Ushers in 2006 Olympics
TORINO, Italy — This gritty city below the Alps gave a heartfelt "benvenuto" Friday night to the Winter Games, a fiery opening ceremony dedicated to passion and to igniting the competitive spirits of more than 2,500 of the world's best athletes.
February 09, 2006
A new report to surface on WMD next week....
I have recently been told of a new report that should surface next week. A new report on what has happened to the WMD's in Iraq. Keep watching for further developing details......
Here is a new report released on 9 Feb 2006 on news.telegraph
David Kay, the former head of the coalition's hunt for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, yesterday claimed that part of Saddam Hussein's secret weapons programme was hidden in Syria.
In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, Dr Kay, who last week resigned as head of the Iraq Survey Group, said that he had uncovered evidence that unspecified materials had been moved to Syria shortly before last year's war to overthrow Saddam.
"We are not talking about a large stockpile of weapons," he said. "But we know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some components of Saddam's WMD programme. Precisely what went to Syria, and what has happened to it, is a major issue that needs to be resolved."
Dr Kay's comments will intensify pressure on President Bashar Assad to clarify the extent of his co-operation with Saddam's regime and details of Syria's WMD programme. Mr Assad has said that Syria was entitled to defend itself by acquiring its own biological and chemical weapons arsenal.
Syria was one of Iraq's main allies in the run-up to the war and hundreds of Iraqi officials - including members of Saddam's family - were given refuge in Damascus after the collapse of the Iraqi dictator's regime. Many of the foreign fighters responsible for conducting terrorist attacks against the coalition are believed to have entered Iraq through Syria.
A Syrian official last night said: "These allegations have been raised many times in the past by Israeli officials, which proves that they are false."
February 08, 2006
Hazardous substance found at Capitol.
WASHINGTON - A Capitol office building was evacuated Wednesday night on a hazardous substance alert after police discovered a suspicious powder in its attic, authorities said.
The Homeland Security Department was investigating, but a senior counterterror official said it did not immediately appear to be an emergency.
Hazardous material teams and firefighters were dispatched to the Senate Russell Office Building after a sensor tested positive for a dangerous substance, the counterterror official said. A second test proved negative, and officials were conducting a third test in the evening for more conclusive results.
Africa Reports its First Bird Flu Case
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
LAGOS, Nigeria — The deadly H5N1 bird flu virus has been detected on a large commercial chicken farm in Nigeria — the first reported outbreak in Africa, the World Organization for Animal Health said Wednesday.
February 07, 2006
California Schools Preach Islam
I took Spanish going thru high school in Texas. I still live in Texas and Spanish really hasn't helped me communicate any better. But hopefully California is starting a new trend that will help out it's public school kids for years to come. With Iran and their shallow minded leader and all that is going on in the mideast this might just be a good idea to show America what Islam is based on. Shouldn't we be teaching Christianity since that is what America was founded on???
If your child is unfortunate enough to study in California, he or she will be taught Islam is a fountain of modernity, liberty, and feminism. More importantly, he will be taught every aspect of the Islamic faith is historically accurate.
The Houghton-Mifflin textbook, currently in use in many schools, lists one Shabbir Mansuri, Founding Director of Council on Islamic Education, as its consultant. Mansuri is a businessman with a degree in chemical engineering, and not an academic. That did not prevent the California State Board of Education (SBE) from inviting Mansuri to a closed-door meeting, apparently to advise the board on Hindu edits, on January 6, 2006.
Click on link below to read the full story:
Iran to publish Holocaust cartoons
Good job Iran go ahead and spread a little more hatred so maybe the world can see a little more violence.
IRAN'S largest selling newspaper announced today it was holding a contest on cartoons of the Holocaust in response to the publishing in European papers of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed."It will be an international cartoon contest about the Holocaust," said Farid Mortazavi, the graphics editor for Hamshahri newspaper - which is published by Teheran's conservative municipality.
He said the plan was to turn the tables on the assertion that newspapers can print offensive material in the name of freedom of expression.
February 06, 2006
February 04, 2006
Down in the count 0-2...a homerun wins it all...

February 03, 2006
The moment is almost here....and now the moment is gone...
It's 11:29 CST and we have only about 7 hours until the moment is here. The embarrassment that is to come with her set up. As we tease her about telling the others in her same geographical location that it is her annual celebration. The moment we have been patiently awaiting. With all plans set into motion, the cake and the ring will be picked up after work. The girls will already be in place by the time we arrive. And Stephan will be waiting to meet us to find out our plans for the evening. And as all four of us eat dinner his heart will pound, and his nerves will be electric, and his stomach in knots. The mob comes out of the kitchen screaming and yelling. She will think we actually did tell them it was her annual celebration. And with embarrasment on her face. That is the moment that desert is brought to the table in a covered dish. As it arrives and is set in front of her he will get up out of his chair and take a knee and ask for her hand and says "Missy will you marry me?"....that is the moment we are awaiting...the moment is gone...
High Tech, Under the Skin
Published: February 2, 2006
WILLIAM DONELSON'S left hand gripped the paper-covered arm of an antique barber chair at a tattoo and piercing shop in Cambridge, Ontario. His feet bounced gently on the chrome footrest as he waited for his implant.
The piercer — whose day is usually spent inserting rings into the eyebrows and navels of teenage girls — snapped on purple latex gloves and lifted a four-millimeter-wide sterilized needle to Mr. Donelson's hand.
To read complete story please click on link below:
February 02, 2006
Tornadoes Sweep Through Katrina-Hit Areas
Just what New Orleans needed:
KENNER, La. — Tornadoes tore through New Orleans neighborhoods Thursday that had been hit hard by Hurricane Katrina just five months earlier, collapsing at least one previously damaged house and battering the airport, authorities said.
Muslims Outraged Over Blasphemous Garfield Cartoon

Are you an Ebay Addict??
While recently surfing ebay I found this great auction. Very original indeed.
Cut and Paste link below:
Bush: US would defend Israel against Iran
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Reuters) - President George W. Bush vowed on Wednesday the United States would defend Israel militarily if needed against Iran and denounced Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for "menacing talk" against Israel.
In a Reuters interview aboard Air Force One en route to Nashville, Bush also said he saw a "very good chance" the governing board of the International Atomic Energy Agency would refer Iran to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions.
"I am concerned about a person that, one, tries to rewrite the history of the Holocaust, and two, has made it clear that his intentions are to destroy Israel," Bush said.
"Israel is a solid ally of the United States, we will rise to Israel's defense if need be. So this kind of menacing talk is disturbing. It's not only disturbing to the United States, it's disturbing for other countries in the world as well," he added.
Asked if he meant the United States would rise to Israel's defense militarily, Bush said: "You bet, we'll defend Israel."
Ahmadinejad has prompted international condemnation for anti-Israel rhetoric in recent weeks, including saying it should be wiped off the map, and also calling into question the Holocaust.
February 01, 2006
A message from Cindy Sheehan

Bioterror threats??
16:00 31 January 2006
NewScientist.com news service
Kurt Kleiner
The life sciences are developing so quickly that a watch list of dangerous pathogens and toxins is useless in fighting the threat of bioterrorism, says a new report from the US National Academy of Sciences.
The report, on "next generation" bioterrorism, was requested by the US government. It concludes that intelligence agencies are too focused on specific lists of bacteria and viruses, and are not aware of emerging threats.
Focusing on the list of about 60 "select agents", such as the smallpox virus and botulism toxin, might simply divert resources from newer and more dangerous threats, such as RNA interference, synthetic biology or nanotechnology.
Our report "pushes back against the monomaniacal focus on bacteria, against the idea that if you can write a list of bad bacteria and control them then you're okay," says Peter A Singer, a bioethicist at the University of Toronto, Canada, who was on the NAS report committee.
As examples, the report suggests it might soon be possible to engineer a virulent pathogen from scratch using DNA synthesis and that advances in gene therapy might make it possible to release an aerosol of a harmful gene that would be inhaled by victims.
Listed below is the website in which to obtain more information.