"And now at the plate Steve"
As Steve stepped to the plate Samuels threw Steve a curveball. And he started out down in the count 0-1 with strike one. After leaving Samuels we went to pick up the celebration desert. Not finding the right container left Steve with another strike and now in the hole with an 0-2 count. Then Steve the CHECK-ed his swing against Samuels. It was a priceless pitch but he hung in there.
Next Steve stepped out of the box. He focused in on each letter of the pitchers jersey.
T-E-X-A-S. The third base coach Stephan was there for anything he needed. But Steve knew in the back of his mind he had to "clean his plate" before he could go on!! He stepped back in the box and next came a brush back pitch. He had a close call and almost cracked under pressure. After speaking with the middle man Shelly (the umpire) he realized the pitch had barely
Missy-ed him!!
Now down in the count Steve dug in the batters box. Coach Willis told him it was his now his moment. And with the knots in his stomach and butterflies going crazy the crowd started getting louder and louder behind him. It seemed to be getting closer and closer. And just when it seemed to be right around him he swung with all he had as he dropped to his knee and said "I know I was scared to talk to you at first, but now I'm scared of losing you, Melissa Ann Ankey will you marry me?"
A homerun won it all!!!
The homerun was hit and the crowd went crazy.
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