January 31, 2006
OVER THE NORTHERN GULF COAST (AP)—Last year's record hurricane season didn't just change life for humans. It changed nature, too.
Everywhere scientists look, they see disrupted patterns in and along the Gulf of Mexico. Coral reefs, flocks of sea birds, crab- and shrimp-filled meadows and dune-crowned beaches were wrapped up in—and altered by—the force of hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Dennis.
IAEA Report on Iran
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - A document obtained by Iran on the nuclear black market serves no other purpose than to make an atomic bomb, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Tuesday.
The finding was made in a report prepared for presentation to the 35-nation IAEA board when it meets, starting Thursday, on whether to refer Iran to the U.N. Security Council, which has the power to impose economic and political sanctions on Iran.
January 30, 2006
James Hansen told to be quiet on global warming issues.
Nasa's senior climate scientist accused the Bush administration yesterday of trying to stop him speaking out about global warming.
James Hansen said Nasa officials ordered his lectures, papers and website postings to be reviewed before publication after he called last month for an immediate reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Requests for interviews were also being screened.
He said he had been told there would be "dire consequences" if he repeated his warnings about climate change.
"They feel their job is to be this censor of information going out to the public," he told the New York Times.
His accusation goes to the heart of the claim of opponents of President George W Bush that his administration is one of the more secretive in recent history.
Veteran Washington reporters claim that it is harder to speak to officials in this administration than any other in living memory. The White House is also accused of politicising science.
Mr Hansen's calls for significant mandatory cuts in greenhouse emissions run directly counter to the policy of the administration which disputes the science linking emissions to climate change.
Dean Acosta, Nasa's deputy head of public affairs, denied there was an attempt to muzzle Mr Hansen. "That's not the way we operate here," he said.
But Mr Hansen, the director of Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said the public had been sheltered from findings about the potential risks of climate change.
He said: "Communicating with the public seems to be essential because public concern is probably the only thing capable of overcoming the special interests that have obfuscated the topic".
Mr Hansen has been sparring over global warming since 1998, when he began warning of the potential threat from fossil fuels.
Bird Flu now in Iraq
CAIRO, Egypt Jan 30, 2006 — A 15-year-old girl who died earlier this month in northern Iraq was a victim of the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu, the first known case of the disease in the country, a U.N. official and the region's health minister said Monday.
The U.S. Navy Medical Research Unit in the Egyptian capital conducted the tests determining the cause of death, using blood samples from the girl, the U.N. official said. He refused to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.
The official had been supervising the examination of samples sent by the government in northern Iraq. He said 30 other samples from northern Iraq were being tested.
January 27, 2006
Undersea quake rocks eastern Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- A magnitude-7.7 undersea earthquake rocked eastern Indonesia early Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There was no danger of a tsunami, and no injuries were reported.
The End of Times by Hal Lindsey
End Times & the Antichrist
Bible prophecy expert Hal Lindsey discussed how current events are shaping up to what looks like 'end times,' which will lead us into a world war or Armageddon. Among the biblical prophecy indicators, he pointed to the increase in earthquakes and superstorms. Wilma, Rita and Katrina have been among the most powerful hurricanes on record, he noted.
The Bible does not name the United States as one of main powers during end times, leading Lindsey to speculate that something catastrophic could befall America, such as an attack by Islamic terrorists. "I believe we're going to get hit again and hard," he said. The Bible does speak of a 10-nation revived Roman Empire, which Lindsey indicated was the original members of the European Union.
Lindsey outlined the path of the Antichrist who he said will be a great political and/or religious leader associated with the EU: He'll receive a mortal wound probably via an assassination, but then he'll come back from the dead, in what is perceived as a miracle. However during this time, he will actually become possessed by Satan and then exhibit extraordinary powers. He will team up with the "False Prophet" and 3½ years into his rise, he'll declare himself to be God. At this point war will break out with Russia joined with a Muslim confederation against Israel. Will Lindsey be around to warn people of a specific Antichrist? No, he explained, as the Bible has predicted that true believers in Christ will be mysteriously taken off the planet in the "Rapture," before the Antichrist is revealed.
"Z Machine" Titor spoke of recently mentioned
The "Z Machine" that time traveler John Titor spoke of was recenlty mentioned in the New Scientist.
January 26, 2006
The HARP Project

Hamas appears to win majority
RAMALLAH, West Bank — Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia and his Cabinet ministers submitted their resignations Thursday as the Islamic militant group Hamas appeared to have captured a large majority of seats in the Palestinian elections — a shocking upset sure to throw Mideast peacemaking into turmoil.
Thanks to Foxnews.com
January 24, 2006
John Titor...will he return from 2036?

Movies and awards...
Have movies gone to far in America? First we had to much violence and nudity. Now we have homosexual behavior on the big screen. How can this be happening? All homosexuals want to be different and come out of the closet but yet they want no teasing. If your so different you will be the butt of all jokes. It is not natural for a man to be a woman or for a woman to be a man. That is utterly disgusting in my eyes. How can it bother "homosexuals" who want to be "different" to be called queer, faggot, or many other obscene words? (that I will not mention To be told to put on a dress and shave your beard is taking those comments a little far. It's not normal and not natural.
There will be more to come on this topic....
'Brokeback Mountain' Wins 4 Golden Globes
Gay Rights Group Slams 'Idol' Comments
January 19, 2006
What Did The Democrats Say About Iraq's WMD
JANUARY 30, 2004 | Document Location: http://www.glennbeck.com/news/01302004.shtml
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source
"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002 | Source
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
- President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 | Source
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
- President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998 | Source
"We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction."
- Madeline Albright, Feb 1, 1998 | Source
For more on this story check out:
Breaking News from Bin Laden
CAIRO — Al Qaeda is preparing for attacks in the United States but the terror group is offering a truce to help rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan, according to an audiotape aired Thursday on Al-Jazeera, purporting to be the voice of Usama bin Laden.
The voice on the tape said heightened security measures in the United States are not the reason there have been no attacks there since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Instead, the reason is "because there are operations that need preparations, and you will see them," he said.
"Based on what I have said, it is better not to fight the Muslims on their land," he said.
"We do not mind offering you a truce that is fair and long-term. ... So we can build Iraq and Afghanistan ... there is no shame in this solution because it prevents wasting of billions of dollars ... to merchants of war."
The speaker did not give conditions for a truce in the excerpts aired.
U.S. intelligence officials did have advance warning that the Arabic satellite network had an audiotape alleged to be from the Al Qaeda ringleader; Al Jazeera maintains the tape is new. U.S. officials are anxious to hear the tape in its entirety and to read the translated transcript. They are searching for specific date references in the tape to determine when the message may have been recorded. There is also speculation within the Pentagon and throughout the intelligence community that bin Laden may be dead.
FOX News contacts around Pakistan and Afghanistan say they were fully expecting some kind of communication from a top Al Qaeda figure following the alleged U.S. attack last Friday on a Pakistan compound where it was believed some high-profile Al Qaeda operatives were invited to dinner. But it was believed that that communication may come from bin Laden's top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
There has been no audiotape from bin Laden broadcast since December 2004.
Thanks to Foxnews.com
January 17, 2006
Rules for Racquetball
This is for you Hammack. Here are your rules.
Racquetball is played by two or four players. When played by two, it is called singles and when played by four, doubles. A non tournament variation of the game that is played by three players is called cut-throat.
Racquetball is a competitive game in which each player uses a strung racquet to serve and return the ball.
The objective is to win each rally by serving or returning the ball so the opponent is unable to keep the ball in play. A rally is over when a player (or team in doubles) is unable to hit the ball before it touches the floor twice, is unable to return the ball in such a manner that it touches the front wall before it touches the floor, or when a hinder is called.
Points are scored only by the serving side when it serves an irretrievable serve (an ace) or wins a rally. Losing the serve is called a sideout in singles. In doubles, when the first server loses the serve, it is called a handout and when the second server loses the serve, it is a sideout.
A match is won by the first side winning two games. The first two games of a match are played to 15 points. If each side wins one game, a tiebreaker game is played to 11 points.
January 14, 2006
Severe Storms in the South
BAKER, Fla. — Severe storms and tornadoes swept across three states Friday, killing a woman in Alabama, damaging dozens of homes, and tearing a section of roof off a Florida school where 13 children were injured, authorities said.
Here is a copy of the link thanks to Foxnews.com
January 10, 2006
Penis Envy
Guilty Despite Deformity: In November, engineering student Mischa Beutling, 22, became the most recent rape defendant to profess innocence by impossibility, arguing that his penis is simply too large to have committed the crime. Beutling, who stands 6-7 and weighs 240 pounds, called a urologist to the stand in Newmarket, Ontario, to testify that Beutling's is 8 1/2 inches long "semi-relaxed" and 6 1/2 inches in circumference and that a woman who has not given birth could not accommodate it without serious injury. (In December, a judge named Margaret Eberhard found Beutling guilty.) [Toronto Sun, 10-29-05, 12-3-05]
Cut and paste link below to see more...of the story, not the penis.
January 06, 2006
#2 DIED!!!!
CAIRO, Egypt — Al Qaeda's No. 2, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, said in a videotape aired Friday that the United States' recent decision to withdraw some troops from Iraq represented "the victory of Islam."
Al-Zawahiri , wearing a white turban and gray robe and seated next to an automatic rifle, waved his finger for emphasis as he spoke in the two-minute excerpt aired by Al-Jazeera.
"I congratulate [the Islamic nation] for the victory of Islam in Iraq," he said.
Are you effing serious??? You said this on another DAMN videotape. Get a life retard!!! We are drawing troops out because there are people who are using their heads. And will fight terriosm to make their country a great place to live without danger. Did you not ever see Austin Powers #2 died!!!
January 05, 2006
Pop Rocks...Taste the explosion!!

Pop rocks are good for any occasion from birthdays to christmas. And they can also energize any festivity from around the world. So everyone who does not know what these are I've added a picture to make sure everyone can enjoy them.
MIAMI — The long, strange life of Zeta continued Thursday as it again strengthened into a tropical storm and could break the record for the storm that lasted the longest into January since record keeping began in 1851.
Zeta, which poses no threat to land, is the last and 27th named storm in a tumultuous, record-breaking 2005 Atlantic hurricane season that officially ended more than a month ago. At 10 a.m., it had top sustained winds near 40 mph, up from a tropical depression with winds of 35 mph earlier in the day, according to the National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Zeta's first incarnation as a tropical storm lasted from Dec. 30 to around 4 a.m. Thursday. Its second chance as a storm shouldn't last more than a day, because another weather system should come along and "decapitate" Zeta with strong wind shear, hurricane specialist Stacy Stewart said.
"This thing has been very tenacious," he said. "It's probably its last gasp."
It is only the second Atlantic storm in recorded history to survive into January, joining Hurricane Alice in 1955. After Zeta dissipates, Stewart said, forecasters will review records to determine whether it or Alice lasted longest into January.
Although the 2005 hurricane season officially ended Nov. 30, hurricane specialist Jack Beven said the season is "not officially over until we write the last advisory, which will be in the next day or two."
The 2006 season officially begins June 1, but any tropical storms that form early would be part of its tally. The first name on the list is Alberto.
At 10 a.m. EST, Zeta was centered about 1,045 miles east-northeast of the northern Leeward Islands and moving west-northwest near 10 mph.
The 2005 season set record for the most named storms, most hurricanes (14) and most top-scale Category 5 hurricanes. Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisiana and Mississippi in August and became the most costly disaster in U.S. history.
Before Zeta, Hurricane Epsilon became only the fifth hurricane to form in December in 154 years of record keeping. The 2005 season marked the first time that the Greek alphabet was used to name storms because the list of proper names was exhausted.
Forecasters predict that hurricane seasons will be more active than usual for at least another decade.
January 04, 2006
Let's hear for the boy...He's pretty fly for a white guy!!!

January 03, 2006
Upset with Bush? Look at JFK...
So everyone is upset President Bush has tapped some phone lines? Well what about President Kennedy? Looks to me he did the same against Martin Luther King Jr. And what did he do wrong nothing. I guess the Democrats don't want to relive this moment in history!!!
APRIL 23 (under authority of the order of April 14), 1976
From December 1963 until his death in 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was the target of an intensive campaign by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to "neutralize" him as an effective civil rights leader. In the words of the man in charge of the FBI's "war" against Dr. King:
No holds were barred. We have used [similar] techniques against Soviet agents. [The same methods were] brought home against any organization against which we were targeted. We did not differentiate. This is a rough, tough business. 1
The FBI collected information about Dr. King's plans and activities through an extensive surveillance program, employing nearly every intelligence-gathering technique at the Bureau's disposal. Wiretaps, which were initially approved by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, were maintained on Dr. King's home telephone from October 1963 until mid-1965; the SCLC headquarter's telephones were covered by wiretaps for an even longer period. Phones in the homes and offices of some of Dr. King's close advisers were also wiretapped. The FBI has acknowledged 16 occasions on which microphones were hidden in Dr. King's hotel and motel rooms in an "attempt" to obtain information about the "private activities of King and his advisers" for use to "completely discredit" them. 2
FBI informants in the civil rights movement and reports from field offices kept the Bureau's headquarters informed of developments in the civil rights field. The FBI's presence was so intrusive that one major figure in the civil rights movement testified that his colleagues referred to themselves as members of "the FBI's golden record club." 3
The FBI's formal program to discredit Dr. King with Government officials began with the distribution of a "monograph" which the FBI realized could "be regarded as a personal attack on Martin Luther King," 4 and which was subsequently described by a Justice Department official as "a personal diatribe ... a personal attack without evidentiary support." 5
Congressional leaders were warned "off the record" about alleged dangers posed by Reverend King. The FBI responded to Dr. King's receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize by attempting to undermine his reception by foreign heads of state and American ambassadors in the countries that be planned to visit. When Dr. King returned to the United States, steps were taken to reduce support for a huge banquet and a special "day" that were being planned in his honor.
For more on this report click on link below: