Welcome to the Willis University. This is a site dedicated mostly to the world's natural disasters. Also some random inserts of global news from credible sources and also a mixture of opinion. Some of the opinions are not suitable for all. Please remember this is my opinion only. Thanks to all for the guidance I've been given.

January 24, 2006

Movies and awards...

Have movies gone to far in America? First we had to much violence and nudity. Now we have homosexual behavior on the big screen. How can this be happening? All homosexuals want to be different and come out of the closet but yet they want no teasing. If your so different you will be the butt of all jokes. It is not natural for a man to be a woman or for a woman to be a man. That is utterly disgusting in my eyes. How can it bother "homosexuals" who want to be "different" to be called queer, faggot, or many other obscene words? (that I will not mention To be told to put on a dress and shave your beard is taking those comments a little far. It's not normal and not natural. There will be more to come on this topic.... 'Brokeback Mountain' Wins 4 Golden Globes Gay Rights Group Slams 'Idol' Comments,2933,182571,00.html


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