Mystery image of 'life on Mars'

An image of a mysterious shape on the surface of Mars, taken by Nasa spacecraft Spirit, has reignited the debate about life on the Red Planet.
A magnified version of the picture, posted on the internet, appears to some to show what resembles a human form among a crop of rocks.
While some bloggers have dismissed the image as a trick of light, others say it is evidence of an alien presence.
The image is a recent Nasa posting of the Spirit's landing in 2004.
"...What would happen to the state of mind of America's press if Allah (God) orders the Blacks on Mars to show themselves? Yes, Blacks!"—from the book "Closing the Gap: Inner Views of the Heart, Mind, & Soul of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan", pg. 233
Talk about your intrusive security cameras. Can't even escape them on Mars!
"Angstrom Science Award winning author, Richard C. Hoagland, in his groundbreaking book, "The Monuments Of Mars, A City On The Edge Of Forever," covers in great detail the chronology, scientific analysis, and the hidden politics surrounding the discovery by this world’s scientists of intelligently designed structures in the region of Mars known as Cydonia."
"As previously stated, these structures include what appears to be giant Neolithic (stone) monuments, such as pyramids, a sphinx-like face, and a city complex that Hoagland and many other scientists have studied and documented. In his book, Hoagland reveals how he and U.S. Defense Mapping Agency cartographer Erol Torun discovered two redundant mathematical codes in the geometric configurations of the Cydonia monuments. One of these mathematical codes also has been found, according to Hoagland, in the geometry of the monuments built by our forefathers on the Giza plateau in Egypt!"
—from an article entitled: Scientists agree with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Is there human life on Mars?
by Robert Muhammad
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