Welcome to the Willis University. This is a site dedicated mostly to the world's natural disasters. Also some random inserts of global news from credible sources and also a mixture of opinion. Some of the opinions are not suitable for all. Please remember this is my opinion only. Thanks to all for the guidance I've been given.

January 04, 2007

40% See 2007 War With Iran As Second Carrier Deployed

A new nationwide poll reveals that four in ten Americans predict the U.S. will go to war with Iran in 2007 as a second aircraft carrier is deployed to the Gulf, putting 5,000 more U.S. sailors in the region, bringing the total to 16,000 in a clear escalation towards a military air strike on the country.

A survey by Ipsos divulges that 40% of Americans think it "likely" that the U.S. will become involved militarily with Iran this year, 11% more than the mere 29% that see coalition troops leaving Iraq.

Concurrently, a second aircraft carrier and escort ships have been sent into the Gulf in a threatening geopolitical gesture aimed at Iran and Syria. The USS John C. Stennis strike group will deploy later this month following in the footsteps of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier group that entered the Gulf in December.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the move a reaffirmation that "We will be here for a long time and everybody needs to remember that."

Televangelist Pat Robertson, an influential sage of the Neo-Con war machine and an icon of its radical ideological underpinnings, has predicted turmoil in 2007 after he claimed God had told him in a conversation that major U.S. cities would suffer mass terror attacks after September that would potentially kill millions of people.

Whether Robertson is simply recycling fearmongering propaganda or not, the fact remains that Dick Cheney's USSTRATCOM contingency plan calls for attacking Iran in the immediate aftermath of a 'second 9/11' - no matter who is behind it - which of course is going to be the cabal Dick Cheney fronts for itself and the same pack of murderers that are actively seeking to initiate global ethic cleansing and genocide to bring about world war three.

Having tried and failed to do Israel's bidding in completely taking over the Middle East by organized military campaigns, the Bush administration has enacted "Plan B," a blueprint favored by the Zionist state's most bloodthirsty adherents all along, which is simply to engender mass chaos and civil war across the entire region and let Sunni and Shia Muslims kill off each other. Israeli strategy documents dating back decades outline the method of breaking up Iraq along sectarian borders by playing the different sects off against each other by means of staged bombings, targeted assassinations and jingoistic manipulation of the political process.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hum is it me or is your left side bar going into your post?
Just stopped by to say Hey.

1/05/2007 05:05:00 PM  

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