World's oldest condom
The reusable condom dates back to 1640 and is completely intact, as is its orginal users' manual, written in Latin.
The manual suggests that users immerse the condom in warm milk prior to its use to avoid diseases.
The antique, found in Lund in Sweden, is made of pig intestine and is one of 250 ancient objects related to sex on display at the Tirolean County Museum in Austria this summer.
Unbelievable! It looks like there's a tie & I'm wondering what you tie it to? You'll find out for me, won't you? Interesting that they give tips on how to prepare it for use, yet they don't tell how to clean it afterwards. You know cuz... Or maybe it was frozen & then turned into a blowpop?
I don't know why but I find that very fascinating.
uhhh EEEEW!!!
thats sooo... i dunno what to say.
bout the word " reusable " hahah how many have reused that thingy and dip it to warm milk before using?! hahhahahahaha i suggest dip it in KYJelly coz that's goin to hurt a LOT. :P
who owns that anyway?
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