Welcome to the Willis University. This is a site dedicated mostly to the world's natural disasters. Also some random inserts of global news from credible sources and also a mixture of opinion. Some of the opinions are not suitable for all. Please remember this is my opinion only. Thanks to all for the guidance I've been given.

June 05, 2006

Confirmed Bird Flu in Texas?

BREAKING NEWS It has just come to my attention that on of the first cases of Bird Flu has been reported in a hospital in Winters, Texas. My wife's ex-husband's dad was admitted to the ER last night was was diagnosed with the deadly disease. Medical experts say that if he would have delayed his admittance, he would have died. Now so far this is all hear say but hopefully this will be either confirmed or denied after a few tests. One of the family members if not both are from the oriental dissent. And have before purchased items from different Thai markets. Winters,Texas is located 39.8 miles SSW of Abilene, Texas. Here is some items about Winters, Texas.,_Texas


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a terrible article. What is the name, age, race of the patient? What is the name, address, and telephone number of the hospital. Who is the source? As far as I'm concerned this is all false. I hope this town sues you. You should be liable for any panic and loss of business caused from this ridiculous article.

6/06/2006 07:50:00 AM  
Blogger Steve Kenul said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6/06/2006 09:10:00 AM  
Blogger Steve Kenul said...

Hey little orphan annie, listen up, if you haven't aleady the blog, which you did, otherwise you wouldn't have said anything, you would notice that it mentioned MY WIFE'S EX-HUSBAND'S FATHER. Pretty direct to the source. Go to Winters, Texas, go to their clinic, and get the number yourself. I'm pretty sure you can google it. However, releasing patient information is a violation of HIPPA (Health Insurance Portbility and Privacy Act). I will tell you that the patient is part Philipino. The town will not sue us, and there is no panic for out friends at the local new station is investigating.
So why don't you back off and find a cure for this ailment and make yourself useful in life.

6/06/2006 09:12:00 AM  
Blogger James Willis said...

Ok annie first of all this is not made to be a bad article...this has yet to be verified...just putting the word out that is may happen...Why in the hell would I tell you any of the items you are asking for?? How stupid would that be...Have you ever heard of HIPPA??? So what about any panic that is caused by the whole bird flu issue that has hit the world? Who should have to pay for that? Once again this is some information that I have received and thought I would make it known...I will post more if it is confirmed or denied. And how do you say "As far as I'm concerned this is false."

6/06/2006 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you get us some confirmation on this as it is pretty big news ?

6/06/2006 09:24:00 AM  
Blogger Steve Kenul said...

I will get with my wife and find out more. So far this is all preliminary. The local news crew is investigating this as well.

6/06/2006 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks SK. Can you please find out if it is the h5n1 strain of flu ?

If it is this could be serious HUGE news.

6/06/2006 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is where we are discussing your information. THNX

6/06/2006 10:31:00 AM  
Blogger Steve Kenul said...

I have been trying to contact my wife all morning without success. She may be out in the pool. I will try to see if it is indeed the H5N1 (bird flu) strain. She still has contact with her ex-husband who's father is victim to the bird flu(?). If it's not the bird flu, I can guarantee that this blog will be deleted and replaced with an apology. It is IS bird flu, the blog will stay and like a news reporter, I will present more information.

6/06/2006 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok you said he was diagnosed with Bird Flu. How can this be if they are awaiting the test results ?

6/06/2006 11:22:00 AM  
Blogger Steve Kenul said...

Patient is in Abilene, Texas, not Winters.
Patient is American, not Philippino.

6/06/2006 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has just come to my attention that on of the first cases of Bird Flu has been reported in a hospital in Winters, Texas. My wife's ex-husband's dad was admitted to the ER last night was was diagnosed with the deadly disease.

Several questions: why do they think it's bird flu and not seasonal influenza? Seasonal influenza can also be quite dangerous, especially to the elderly or those with weak immune systems.

Assuming they think it is bird flu, why are they (or you) assuming H5N1? There are other bird flu subtypes. Even if they suspect H5N1, it would take days to get confirmation of that. (An H test could be done quickly, N takes longer.)

What items did the household purchase from Thai markets that would make the hospital think they were at risk from bird flu? Was raw poultry involved? If not, why would it matter?

(And if this is your wife's ex-husband's father, how do you not know if "both" family members are of Asian descent? Which family members are you talking about? Are both ill?)

My suspicion is that the hospital is having the tests for flu subtype done to be safe. Dozens if not hundreds of such tests have been done in the U.S., usually at the request of people who have travelled to Asia. All have been negative.

I understand your alarm and need to inform, however, this post seems to take a slim possibility and present it as a near certainty. I think that's irresponsible unless you have reasons you haven't mentioned for considering an H5N1 diagnosis probable.

- c

6/06/2006 11:34:00 AM  
Blogger Steve Kenul said...

The patient did ont buy any items that I am aware of. I also did not realize that there were different strains of bird flu, so in this case, I am not singling out H5N1. Like I said before, the patient is not islandic-asian, he is American. How he contracted this disease is unknown.
Everybody, please stand by for future information. We have one of the local news crews investigating and my wife poersonally knows the patient. Once there is more to say, it will be posted.

6/06/2006 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Confirmed Bird Flu in Texas? (Not really).
By steve kenul

It has just come to my attention that one of the first cases of Bird Flu has been reported in a hospital in Winters, Texas. [Opps, he retracted and now claims the“Patient is in Abilene, Texas, not Winters.” ] Not so “direct to the source” or factual.

My wife's ex-husband's dad was admitted to the ER (not in Winters but now it’s in Abilene?) last night was … diagnosed with the deadly disease. Medical experts (I wonder from which hospital, I wonder what happened to “all the privacy” ) say that if he would have delayed his admittance, he would have died.

Now so far this is all hear say (Then WHY title this Confirmed Bird Flu in Texas? Need a little attention?) but hopefully this will be either confirmed or denied after a few tests. One of the family members if not both are from the oriental dissent. [Opps another change “I will tell you that the patient is part Philipino”. And have before purchased items from different Thai markets. [In what year or month?]

Winters,Texas is located 39.8 miles SSW of Abilene, Texas.

Before you go calling people names, do some research yourself and get some hard honest particulars. I’d love to discover more about how this individual is doing, but I’d like to hear some factual data. Annie

6/06/2006 12:43:00 PM  
Blogger Steve Kenul said...

Again, the patient did not buy any items from a Thai marget. I don;t know why a co-authoir put this in. The patient is in Abilene, not Winters, error on my part. The patien is American, not Philippino, again, error on my part. The whole confirmed thing was when the patient told his son, who in turn told my wife. Hospitals can withold personal information, but once the patient release his/her info, then its fair game.
We do have a conclusion to all this.

6/06/2006 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am curious about this person traveling to a Thai market. Is this correct ?

6/06/2006 01:24:00 PM  
Blogger Steve Kenul said...

Forget the Thai market, patient did not go there, co-author did.

6/06/2006 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok still waiting your confirmation on this story.

6/06/2006 02:40:00 PM  
Blogger James Willis said...

Annie the confirmation I guess you are waiting to here has been posted. But the information that Steve Kenul received was false and not from a credible source. Please refer to post made since the "Confirmed bird flu in Texas?" broke.

6/06/2006 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James are you saying the article posted is false or what is the latest information ?

6/06/2006 06:06:00 PM  
Blogger James Willis said...

Yes the article that Steve posted was not from a credible source. I am truly sorry this happened.

6/06/2006 06:53:00 PM  

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