I'm an atheist, but sometimes, you gotta wonder. It all started last year after the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, then all hell broke loose. Patriots lost Bruschi to a stroke, and now they suck. But this isn't about sports, its about world happenings. Death is all around us, everyday, every minute. We had a record 21 storms this year, three of them, Katrina, Rita, and now Wilma ranked 4th, 3rd, and 1st respectively all-time as the strongest storms ever. Even one in Spain (tropical storm Vance). Hurricane Katrina turned New Orleans into a third world country. Wild fires rage across California. A powerful earthquake hit Pakistan where close to 80,000 died. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean affecting lives close by and ending them, the bird flu and avian flu plaguing our fragile planet, the Iraqi war is still going on, and the terrorism threats in New York and Baltimore and flooding in the New England area. It makes me think if the world is really going to end in 2012 like the Mayans have predicted. They were never wrong too...
That was Steve O's View now for mine. I don't necessarily believe the Mayans theory to the full extent. I believe that we are living on borrowed time, and there is not much time left. I was raised as baptist, and do believe solely what the bible says.
Now on to add to some of what The Stumper said....Teddy Bruschi is coming back...but it won't help...There has been a record tying 21 hurricanes this year and it is still counting. Along the fore mentioned story about the earthquakes and wild fires also add in the floods that have been happening in the northeast portion of the US. There have been earthquakes in the Pakistan area and just a few short days ago there was one in California and Japan. Not big but it's all in the same realm of the end of time natural disaster. We have the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, the wars and rumors of wars. (Iran, Korea) Now if this were to be the Armageddon we first must go thru the tribulation and that according to the bible will be 7 years long. We are in 2005 and 7 years from now will be 2012. If the Mayans are correct the tribulation is just beginning....
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